The more complex the organisational design, the harder it becomes to keep track of which company representative engaged with which stakeholder representative, and which commitments were made. There is also a heightened expectation when it comes to social performance tracking, as well as monitoring and evaluation of stakeholder management effectiveness and KPI implementation.
With the heightened reporting expectations of the day, relying on Excel spreadsheets is no longer feasible and a more robust software solution is necessary. G3 Business Solutions has a successful track record of helping organisations implement monitoring and evaluation frameworks which allows them to track the KPIs that matter to them.
Social performance tracking, monitoring and evaluation
As the popular saying goes, what gets measured gets managed. G3 Business Solutions can help your organisation implement a full monitoring and evaluation framework for your social performance tracking, as well as the KPI tracking against the relevant strategies and plans. This involves the creation of custom and bespoke scorecards and dashboards, coupled with the implementation of robust reporting governance processes for any stakeholder engagement that takes place. If necessary, these can be deployed digitally across the organisation through the roll-out of the StakeTracker software.
Social performance tracking, monitoring and evaluation and KPI tracking of metrics related to stakeholder management, is what enables organisations to report back on the successful implementation of their strategies to leadership and the board.
StakeTracker implementation
StakeTracker is an advanced, purpose built stakeholder information management software solution designed to help efficiently manage communication with stakeholders, while enabling high quality reporting and automation.