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Stakeholder Management Strategy & Planning

Organisations operate in an environment characterised by an accelerating rate of change (volatility), a lack of predictability (uncertainty), an interconnectedness of cause-and-effect forces (complexity), and the strong potential for misreads (ambiguity). In order to succeed in such an environment, your organisation needs the support of its stakeholders to achieve its business goals. G3 Business Solutions can help your organisation plan its approach to stakeholder management and engagement at strategic, operational and issue / goal related levels.

Effective stakeholder management, backed by clearly articulated strategy and well-informed planning can help ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the business, and a safeguarded socio-political license to operate.

Stakeholder management strategy

G3 Business Solutions is ideally suited to helping your organisation develop its stakeholder management strategy. Over the years, we have helped clients craft stakeholder management strategies that support the successful execution of business strategy, while ensuring stakeholder input and shared value.

G3 is particularly skilled in developing stakeholder management strategies at a global, regional or cross-country level, where the complexities of a VUCA world are heightened, having successfully assisted multi-national listed organisations such as the MTN Group, Sasol and Woolworths with their group-level stakeholder management strategies.

Stakeholder management planning

Once your stakeholder management strategy is in place, supporting your business strategy, G3 Business Solutions can help your organisation operationalise the strategy through a selection of stakeholder management planning offerings, aimed at ensuring impact in a measurable and trackable way:


Specific stakeholder groupings in your organisation’s internal, market and broader socio-political environments (e.g. communities, government or regulators).


As regulated by specific industries, for example: engagement plans with impacted and affected groups in the extractive industry.


Achieve your organisation’s goals within defined regions or geographies.


Issue-based stakeholder engagement plans such as an engagement plan on ‘single use plastics in retail’ or ‘unclaimed benefits from life insurance’ or ‘local content on media platforms’.

Our experience

We have successfully partnered with leading corporates in South Africa and abroad – delivering stakeholder management strategy and stakeholder management planning projects for a range of clients spanning the following sectors: