Worker ownership is promoted by the South African government to drive economic transformation and inclusion. Shared ownership of those involved in core business activities is not only possible but makes sense to equitably share the proceeds among the individuals who create the value in the first place.

G3 Business Solutions practices co-ownership through the G3 Sizuza Sonke Trust and employee shareholding. What makes the Trust unique is the fact that it enables qualifying associates, working with the company, to directly share in the profits made by the company on an annual basis. More than that, it provides a mechanism for inclusivity in company decision making on a day-to-day basis. As the owner of 51% of the shareholding in G3 Business Solutions the Sizuza Sonke Trust can also nominate a director in the company.

In accordance to the Trust Property Control Act, the G3 Sizuza Sonke Trust Deed, and the Trust Rules, the affairs of the G3 Sizuza Sonke Trust are managed by its Trustees. The Trustees have a fiduciary duty to ensure that the Trust functions correctly and achieves its purpose to benefit its members.

The G3 Sizuza Sonke Trustees are:

  • KARIM AMADE in his capacity as director in G3 Business Solutions. 
  • MANDLA RADEBE in his capacity as director in G3 Business Solutions. 
  • LOVELYN NWADEYI in her capacity as Representative Trustee.